What is needed, what is offered
Berlin, 25 October 2004
a PDF file of BIML Letter 04/545 Download a PDF file of all the above documents as one PDF file When? 25 October 2004 Where? Berlin, Germany Rationale: The close relationship between economic growth, trade and poverty reduction has been noted time and again. The integration of Developing Countries into the global market is seen as a major prerequisite for achieving the UN's Millennium Development Goal of halving extreme poverty world-wide by 2015. The Doha Development Agenda recognizes technical cooperation and capacity building as essential elements for enabling Developing Countries to benefit from the world trade system. Indeed, inadequate technical infrastructures for metrology, standardization, testing, quality management, certification and accreditation - necessary for the conformity assessment of products and services - bar Developing Countries from taking full advantage of market potentials. The forthcoming Twelfth International Legal Metrology Conference provides a platform for Developing Countries to look for support and to come into contact with donors, organizations and implementing agencies capable of offering support and thus facilitating the adjustment of offers to needs. Furthermore, the event will stimulate the exchange of information among Developing Countries (south-south dialogue). The Forum: The forum will be opened by a representative of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development followed by oral statements on the purpose of the event, the importance of a technical infrastructure for economic development and trade facilitation, specific requirements with regard to the Technical Barriers to Trade and the Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Agreements of the WTO and a few selected examples. Supporters will explain how to benefit from their programmes. Resource persons will answer the audience's questions. Posters will be arranged by the organizers in a way that facilitates the meeting of support seekers and providers. Sufficient time will be allowed for contacts between these parties. How can you participate? Developing Countries, donor organizations, and implementing agencies are invited to provide the necessary information to enable the organizers to produce posters which will be presented at the forum and also during the OIML Conference. This information should follow the format in the attached forms and be sent to the International Bureau of Legal Metrology (BIML). Posters by Developing Countries: should identify the sector(s) (or value chains) suffering from insufficient Metrology, Standards, Testing and Quality (MSTQ) services. If possible, proposals for support should be presented. Support for preparing an analysis to overcome the deficiencies can also be requested.
Posters by donor organizations and implementing agencies: may present their programmes, projects and actions in relation to trade facilitation through support for the necessary technical MSTQ infrastructure and indicate the steps necessary to benefit from these activities. Outcome: The local organizer, the national metrology institute of Germany, PTB, has already promised to select one or two presentations for immediate support. It is hoped that organisations in other countries may be able to make similar commitments by the time of the Forum. Contact: For information, contact the Bureau International de Métrologie Légale (BIML) BIML |